-Blogging Behind The Scenes- TAG
A very dear blogger who's works I adore reading ( www.alittlebitofsunshineblog.com ) did a tag last month called the "Blogging Behind The Scenes Tag" I really enjoyed hers, and also really liked the questions. So here I go! Enjoy!
Where do you blog?
Usually at the table. My laptop is crap, so the battery is dead and it will only charge on a flat surface. :/
Where do you find inspiration for your blog posts?
From the most random things. I don't even know...from people in my life? From my daily surroundings?
Do you plan your blog posts? How?
Nope. Everything you read on here were spur of the moment ideas. I think it, I write it down, edit it once or twice, then post it.
What kind of camera do you use? What editing program?
*sigh* My iphone. I know, I know. But hey, you never signed up for professionalism when reading my blog. xD I edit on my laptop with picmonkey, and on my phone with picsart.
How do you take your pictures?
Ummmm by aiming the camera at my subject, and clicking the button? Idk, I usually take a lot of time when taking photos, and am always sure to get lots of different angles and such.
What's your favorite type of blog post to write?
Ones like these:
Are you an organized or messy blogger?
Are you an organized or messy blogger?
Haha. So messy. The lack of organization physically pains me at times. But it's not changing anytime soon. xD Laziness beats organization in the scenario.
Biggest blogging pet peeve?
When I have to scrap a post. Sometimes, my ideas are so much better in my head then on paper. So I'll spend 20 minutes writing, then go back and read what I'd just written, edit it...and it just sucks. So yeah, when that happens.
When I have to scrap a post. Sometimes, my ideas are so much better in my head then on paper. So I'll spend 20 minutes writing, then go back and read what I'd just written, edit it...and it just sucks. So yeah, when that happens.
Well, that was fun! And again, shoutout to Noor at www.alittlebitofsunshineblog.com since I found this on her blog. :) Go pay her a visit and say hello!
Have a lovely day.
Your blogger,
-Felicia Kathryn xxx
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-Felicia Kathryn xxx